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Youth today face increasing mental health challenges, yet often struggle to find support (source: Youth Monitor CBS). Despite their inclination to share online, there's a notable absence of a secure digital haven where GenZers can freely converse about their concerns.


How can KPN, one of the Netherlands' largest internet providers, contribute to the social well-being of young people.



By providing a more social, safer and sustainable internet, a #beterinternet. We started by recognising the importance of addressing issues where they originate, we turn to social media, specifically TikTok, a platform extensively used by GenZ. Contrary to common perception, TikTok serves not only for entertainment but also as a space for learning about societal matters, as evidenced by 75% of GenZ expressing interest in such content (Sources: Reach3 Insights, The New York Times). Moreover, over half of them engage in discussions with peers and family regarding societal topics encountered on TikTok.



TikTokTalkshow, an initiative by #beterinternet from KPN, is designed to empower GenZ to dictate the conversation. By providing a platform for them to discuss issues close to their hearts, we aim to foster awareness, understanding, and knowledge exchange. Through this way of listening to these generations the most crucial topics arise which can get a bigger stage elsewhere. 'Een stukje van mij' from sing and songwriter Meau is one of these examples. All to contribute towards a #beterinternet.

 Creative Direction 


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